
/home 2011.07.25

/home | /home 2011.07.23-24 | /home 2011.07.25 | /home 2011.07.27 | /home 2011.07.29 | /home 2011.07.30 | /home 2011.08.23 | /home 20011.08.24-25 | /home 2011.09.03

By July 25, I had a second house in Holy Lake:


I also discovered the offer to people who dug out the water level of Noobville: first picks at a plot of land there once it was finished. I had an almost irrational urge to contribute to the project and, of course, earn my plot. So I dug. And dug. And dug. As the stuff gradually was mined, the site offered some spectacular views:




I dug through to the 26th, and went sightseeing as a way of taking a break. I stumbled upon the ice rink [The builder ends up being Yagi, whom I met later]:


The above are decent progression shots of the digging in the Water Level of Noobville. Of course, I made some indispensible friends in this dig: Charlotte, Maiden, Raven, Spei, Yagi… and many others who passed in and out of my attention span while digging rectangles.

Digging was a blast and I would do it again for the same reasons: building a community, working on a common project with others, and earning a plot of land upon which to express my inner creativity that life, the universe, and everything has tried over the years to crush.